Part of LBBW
Annual report 2019
Shaping the Future Together
and Responsibility
A partnership built on trust. Berlin Hyp uses this sentence as an addition to its logo. It succinctly expresses both the self-image and aspirations of the Bank and is a promise to our customers, business partners, employees and society.

Without responsibility, partnership does not work.
This applies to a company like Berlin Hyp in several respects.
First, there is the responsibility that comes with the business. Real estate shapes the living and working environment of people and creates identity. It has a decisive influence on whether a city is worth living in. The existing real estate is a major lever in terms of environmental and climate protection, and the price and availability of housing is one of the central social issues.
As one of the major real estate financiers in Germany, Berlin Hyp takes these aspects into account and faces up to the associated responsibility. This is expressed, for example, in the transformation of the loans portfolio into sustainable and green financing (more on this in the chapter “Creating impetus”. Second, in the fact that the Bank is actively involved in property-related discussions that move society; be it the situation on the housing market or the question of what contribution the sector can and must contribute in terms of climate protection.
Nevertheless, acting responsibly means more than that: it is based on the conviction that a company cannot be indifferent to its environment. This is why the Bank is committed beyond its operating business; for example, by supporting social projects and institutions in Berlin, such as the Kinderhaus Berlin-Mark Brandenburg or by cultural sponsorship. Since 2012, Berlin Hyp has been awarding a sponsorship prize for young contemporary artists at the POSITIONS BERLIN art fair. In the following year, the prize winners can present their art works in solo exhibitions in the Bank’s exhibition rooms.

In addition to these and other activities, the Bank supports the social commitment of its employees. Everyone at Berlin Hyp can use one working day per year to support social or ecological issues.
But the willingness of everyone in the Bank to assume responsibility is also crucial for a successful transformation. With its Berlin Hyp 21 future-oriented process, the Bank set out several years ago to work with more personal responsibility and in a more flexible and agile way.
In addition to these and other activities, the Bank supports the social commitment of its employees. Everyone at Berlin Hyp can use one working day per year to support social or ecological issues.
But the willingness of everyone in the Bank to assume responsibility is also crucial for a successful transformation. With its Berlin Hyp 21 future-oriented process, the Bank set out several years ago to work with more personal responsibility and in a more flexible and agile way.

“For us, agile and flexible working is primarily a question of attitude,” says Sascha Klaus. “The willingness to experiment and to support each other in trying out new approaches is as much a part of this as the courage to make mistakes, to admit them and then to draw conclusions from them.”
This cultural change is accompanied by the Cultural Change Manager and the Culture Board. It comprises of employees from various departments, age groups and hierarchical levels and acts as a trendsetter, seismograph, co-designer and “ambassador of change”. Its work focuses on topics such as modern co-working, mobile working, trust-based working hours and a culture of feedback and error management.

This new attitude will also be visible to the outside world in the future as Berlin Hyp is building a new corporate headquarters with the project name “B-One”. In the coming years, the new headquarters will replace the present headquarters currently divided into two building sections; they will offer space for trying out contemporary forms of cooperation.
Besides offering a working environment that encourages discussion, lateral thinking and new ideas, “B-One” will also provide great economic and environmental benefits. The building will meet the latest energy efficiency standards and the running costs are expected to be 80 per cent lower than at the current headquarters.
In this way, corporate, social and ecological responsibility come together as one.
Berlin-Mark Brandenburg e.V.
“We’ll find a way.” With this motto, the association Kinderhaus Berlin-Mark Brandenburg offers a wide range of support for children, young people and their families.

Berlin Hyp has been committed to the Kinderhaus for 15 years. The Bank’s wish list campaign, in which all employees eagerly participate, is a beautiful tradition. Every child in the Kinderhaus is encouraged to write a Christmas gift wish list, which the employees enthusiastically fulfil. In addition, the Bank finances the annual autumn trip of the Kinderhaus; around 300 children and teenagers as well as about 150 adults attend. Individual employees of the Bank supported the trip with their personal commitment and offered their help to the organisation for a day.
“Schultüten” (cardboard cones filled with treats and school supplies) for children just starting school, or starter baskets with an initial supply of dinnerware and other useful items for one’s first home are further activities in which the Bank and its staff are involved by means of donations and direct support.