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Directors dealing

Proprietary Transactions of Executives - Managers‘ Transactions
Pursuant to Art. 19 (1) Market Abuse Ordinance, the members of the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board of Berlin Hyp AG and persons closely connected with them are obliged to notify Berlin Hyp AG and the Federal Agency for Financial Services Supervision (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht - BaFin) of so-called proprietary transactions, i.e. transactions with financial instruments of Berlin Hyp AG. Transactions subject to the duty of notification are listed together with the information required by statute (prior to 3 July 2016 pursuant to Section 15 a Securities Trading Act, from 3 July 2016 onwards in accordance with Art. 19 Market Abuse Regulation).
Transactions in the current financial year: negative report
Transactions in the previous year: negative report
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