A company of LBBW
By establishing our own compliance organisation, we have laid the foundation for preventing breaches of compliance. Our Compliance Officer Ralf Behnke heads a team of five staff who advise, inform and train their colleagues about the relevant statutory provisions and internal guidelines.
Numerous processes and the compliance document form the basis of their activities. They regulates all issues relevant to proper conduct in the course of business, including:
- fraud policy and reporting system
- money laundering and the financing of terrorism
- handling of conflicts of interest
- staff transactions
- gifts and invitations
- donations and sponsoring
- MaRisk Compliance
- WpHG Compliance
All staff must regularly evidence knowledge of the compliance regulations in compulsory online trainings and in division-specific training sessions.
Reports expressly welcome
The Whistleblowing Hotline enables illegal or unethical actions to be reported if other communication channels have proved less effective or inappropriate. The hotline is not only limited to our employees but can also be used by customers, subcontractors, suppliers and others who have a business relationship with Berlin Hyp. For more information, see "Whistleblowing - Whistleblower System"
Berlin Hyp AG
10787 Berlin
E-Mail: compliance@berlinhyp.de